by j9robinson | May 3, 2015
Here’s a guest post by a talented college application essay writing coach named Ethan Sawyer. I love what he shares about how important it is to have both an engaging story at the start of an essay, and then a key insight that reveals what it meant. From Ethan:...
by j9robinson | Mar 10, 2015
A good selfie can define and shape your personal image that you blast out to the world. The same goes with your college application essay. Both selfies and personal statement essays are supposed to capture your essence on some level, and reveal what makes you...
by j9robinson | Oct 24, 2014
Photo via USA Today and iStock My Essay Advice in USA Today Article! A young reporter from USA Today interviewed me the other day to collect some of my tips on writing college application essays. She included advice from other top college experts as well. If...
by j9robinson | Mar 10, 2014
Big changes in the new SAT test announced recently caused quite a stir, especially that they were dropping the essay component. I was most excited, however, that they also were going to stop emphasizing “obscure” vocabulary words. Not only do I...
by j9robinson | Jun 6, 2013
PLEASE NOTE! This prompt has changed for 2017-18. This post is now obsolete, although you can still find helpful general information on how to think about prompts and write your essays. The revised prompt 5 is: Discuss an accomplishment, event,...