Do You Undermine Yourself with Words?

  This might seem random, but I found some powerful writing advice on the blog of Gwyneth Paltrow that I believe is relevant to students writing their college application essays, and others, especially women. The woman Paltrow recently featured in her blog, Goop,...

College Application Essay Grabber Trick: Show First!

  When you write a college application essay, you want to “grab” the attention of your reader from the start. My favorite writing technique to hook readers is to engage them with an anecdote, which is a real-life moment or incident. You might have...

College Application Essay Contest Winners!

At the end of last year, I announced an essay writing contest. My goal was to find some quality examples of narrative writing by real students that I could include in my just-published collection of 50 sample college application essays, called Heavenly Essays. About a...

College Application Essay Lessons from Modern Family

I was watching the most recent episode of Modern Family the other night, and thought it was funny and telling that Alex Dunphy, the token brainiac of the family, was obsessing about her college application essay. The family was on a vacation in Australia, and Alex...

What Makes a College Application Essay “Great”?

Are you starting to think about writing your college application essay? If so, you need to know what makes a great essay to know how to start brainstorming and writing your own. You can often recognize a “great one” when you read or hear it—but...

Five Golden Writing Nuggets

College Application Essays: Best Writing Advice Five Hot Tips to Use on Your Essay   It’s hard to find good advice on writing. Here are five of my favorite tips from the best of the best:   1. If you are just starting to write your college application...

College Application Topics That Work Best: The Unexpected!

I just went back over college essays my clients wrote over the last several years. Despite the classic list of what not to write about (see previous post), I would say many wrote about mission trips, volunteering activities and sporting experiences anyway. Some pulled...