Three great books on how to write college application essays

I have mentioned these titles before, but these are my three favorites:   There are a jillion of these how-to books on the market, and all have helpful things to say. However, the advice in these books is spot-on, and they include helpful sample essays and are...

College Application Topics That Work Best: The Unexpected!

I just went back over college essays my clients wrote over the last several years. Despite the classic list of what not to write about (see previous post), I would say many wrote about mission trips, volunteering activities and sporting experiences anyway. Some pulled...

Don’t Go There: College Application Essay Topics to Avoid!

I realized today that I never shared a list of topics that usually result in lame essays. (It feels negative to emphasize this list of no-no’s, but it can save students a lot of time if they know to avoid these early on.) You can make any topic interesting, of...

Don’t OD on Adjectives in Your College Essays

  Mark Twain, one of the best prose stylists ever ever ever, wrote, “As to the Adjective: when in doubt, strike it out.” When we are writing narratives and striving for “descriptive” prose, many of us reach for those juicy adjectives....

Be Specific…Huh?

Writing experts always tell us, “Be specific!” But what does that mean? How do we do that? Other gurus say, “use concrete details.” Huh? What the heck are those? After many years of ignoring this advice, I think I get it. Instead of saying,...