Writing Tips: From a Master Storyteller Teacher

Roy Peter Clark was a famous writing coach when newspapers started directing their reporters to tell the news through a story-telling format in the late 70s and 80s, a genre called New Journalism and made famous by Tom Wolfe. (The main difference between New...

Have your searched Youtube yet for college essay help?

You probably know this already, but YouTube is a great source of information on how to write college application essays, especially if you are more of a visual learner. Check out the EssayHell Youtube Channel, which has several super helpful videos on how to write...

More on “Show, Don’t Tell”

I remember wanting to improve my writing in high school, and feeling frustrated by all the “tips” in the popular how-to-write books: “Be concise,” “Use action verbs,” and the all-popular, “Show, don’t tell.” OK,...

Where to start

One of the biggest obstacles in writing anything, especially “essays,” is getting started. The other night, I walked into my 15-year-old son’s room where he sat at his desk, very distraught. He admitted up front that he had blown it. The assignment,...